Reservation Request for 211 S Merrill St, Fortville
Please use this form to secure the facility. We will review and respond within 5 business days.
Review all of the details on the website for the terms of the rental
Contact Information
The point of contact for the day and financially responsible should damages occur.
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Mailing Address Line 1
Mailing Address City
Mailing Address State
Mailing Address Zip Code
Please provide as much information as possible to make sure that you and your event ties into our Vision, Mission, Mantra, and Beliefs.
Please input the Name of Organization (or small group, individual, etc) that will be using the facility.
Date Choice #1 for event
Date Choice #2 for Event
Our goal will be to secure Date #1 for you
Please give the overview of this event and how it fits within Emerge Church's vision, mission, mantra and beliefs
Is this a request for:
Single Use for Event
Repeating Event
If repeating, please provide day of the week and length
Please input the start-end time
Note: you will have 1hr prior and 1hr after to setup/cleanup
How many people will be attending?
Requested area(s) to use:
Counseling / Mother's Room
Pre-K Classroom (last on left)
Elementary Classroom (last on right)
Entire Building
Additional Needs
Coffee Pot
Audio in Sanctuary
Visual in Sanctuary
Visual/Audio in Classroom
Acknowledgment by Responsible Party
The person/organization requesting the use of Church facilities hereby absolves the church, its pastors, leadership, members, or people of any liability for personal injury to any individual resulting from the use of the church facilities and agrees to be responsible for any property damage that results during the use of the facilities. Please report any damage to the church promptly. The group or individual using the facility is responsible for set up, clean up, and return to normal set up of the facility. See “Responsibilities"
I/We Agree with this Statement
Please Review the "Responsibilities after Building Use" and "Kitchen Ettiquette"
I have read and will adhere to these policies.
Final Note
By Submitting this form, I/we agree with all aspects of the requirements to be met for facility rental. We will cover any damages.
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